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How to Hack a Site- Easy Way
An easy way to hack a website!!
If you have the html and javascript knowledge then you can access password protected websites. So you want to know how??
keep reading.....
1. Open the website you want to hack. Provide wrong username-password in its log in form.
(e.g : Username : me and Password: ' or 1=1 --)
An error will occur saying wrong username-password. Now be prepared
Your experiment starts from here...
2. Right click anywhere on that error page =>> go to view source.
3. There you can see the html codings with javascripts.
4. There you find somewhat like this....<_form action="..login....">
5. Before this login information copy the url of the site in which you are.
(e.g :"<_form..........action=http://www.targetwebsite. com/login.......>")
6. Then delete the javascript from the above that validates your information in the server.(Do this very carefully, ur success to hack the site depends upon this i.e how efficiently you delete the javascripts that validate ur account information)
7. Then take a close look for "<_input name="password" type="password">"[without quotes] -> replace "<_type=text> " there instead of "<_type=password>". See there if maxlength of password is less than 11 then increase it to 11 (e.g : if then write )
8. Just go to file => save as and save it any where in your hardisk with ext.html(e.g: c:\chan.html)
9. Reopen your target web page by double clicking 'chan.html' file that you saved in your
harddisk earlier.
10. U see that some changes in current page as compared to original One. Don't get worried.
11. Provide any username[e.g:hacker] and password[e.g:' or 1=1 --]
Congrats!!!!!! You have successfully cracked the above website and entered into the account of Ist user saved in the server's database.
*****[Please read "_form"="form" & "_type"="type" & "_input"="input" without quotes]
The above trick won't work on the websites using latest technique to protect there servers. Still you may find some websites to use this trick. Enjoy
There are lot of software available for free which can be used for hacking.There software and tools are very useful when you are learning hacking concepts or trying to hack someone.Here are some useful hacking softwares which can be use for hacking.
1.Net Tools 5: This is the Best software I have used as it contain all the basic software used for hacking.This all-in-one toolkit includes also a lot of handy file and system utilities next to the huge amount of network tools. The menus are fully configurable, so in this way you won’t get lost in the extremely large amount of essential tools. All the additional features will make this application a must have for all system administrators.This software is designed for the Microsoft Windows OS (Windows 98, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista). It’s entirely compatible and has thoroughly been tested on Windows XP. With the 175+ tools it is a great collection of useful tools for network users. The size of Net Tools 5.0.70 is approximately 25 Mb.
It has around 200+ software and programs some of them are
1) IP Address Scanner
2) IP Calculator
3) IP Converter
4) Port Listener
5) Port Scanner
6) Ping
7) NetStat (2 ways)
8) Trace Route (2 ways)
9) TCP/IP Configuration
10) Online - Offline Checker
11) Resolve Host & IP
12) Time Sync
13) Whois & MX Lookup
14) Connect0r
15) Connection Analysator and protector
16) Net Sender
17) E-mail seeker
18) Net Pager
19) Active and Passive port scanner
20) Spoofer
21) Hack Trapper
22) HTTP flooder (DoS)
23) Mass Website Visiter
24) Advanced Port Scanner
25) Trojan Hunter (Multi IP)
26) Port Connecter Tool
27) Advanced Spoofer
28) Advanced Anonymous E-mailer
29) Simple Anonymous E-mailer
30) Anonymous E-mailer with Attachment Support etc
Download this Hacking Software from Here
To block any website in any browser, Simply edit the hosts file so that
DNS lookups for that website return special IP add that resolves to
Ur computer)
1. Open the host file to editing. Simply go to START > RUN and type:
notepad.exe c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
(it will open a notepad file called hosts)
2. Now directly under the line that says Localhost, you’ll have to type name of URL you want to block
For ex. Want to block “facebook” and “abc”, simply type:
It is necessary to add website without and with ‘www’ as in ex.
You can add any no. of website in this list …
Now save and exit it ………
After this you’ll try to go “facebook” – the browser will not open this website ..
So block any website in any browser and do control on access ..
Copy the following on a note pad and save it as anything.reg, Run the file....
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To]
Wondering how to install Netmeeting on Windows XP? Well you don't have to install it! Why? It is already pre-installed with Windows XP, but (by design they say) it isn't linked to anywhere on your programs menu. Here is how to load it:
1: Click START then RUN
2: Enter "conf" without the quotes
Install it
When you connect to a web site your computer sends information back and forth. Some of this information deals with resolving the site name to an IP address, the stuff that TCP/IP really deals with, not words. This is DNS information and is used so that you will not need to ask for the site location each and every time you visit the site. Although Windows XP and Windows XP have a pretty efficient DNS cache, you can increase its overall performance by increasing its size. You can do this with the registry entries below:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Make a new text file and rename it to dnscache.reg. Then copy and paste the above into it and save it. Merge it into the registry.
Step 1:
Create a system restore point just incase if something goes wrong you can roll back to the original settings. Make a back up copy of explorer.exe in a safe place, maybe in a different folder.
Step 2:
You would need to download a small freeware utility called Resource Hacker. "Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems."
Download resource hacker frm here...
Step 3:
Open Resource Hacker utility. Click on File ---> Open. Type "explorer.exe" in the text box.
Step 4:
Expand String Table ---> 37 from the tree view and click on 1033
Step 5:
From the right window next to where start is written in front of 578 edit the text to what you want on your start button.
Step 6:
Click on the "Compile Script" button on top of the right window. Now click on File ---> Save as ----> wintipz.exe
Step 7:
Open registry editor by clicking on Start ---> Run and typing "regedit" at the text box. Navigate to HKEY_Local_Machine -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> Winlogon
From the right pane double click on shell and replace "explorer.exe" with "wintipz.exe"
Step 8:
Restart your computer to see the changes.
To change drive letters (useful if you have two drives and have partitioned the boot drive, but the secondary drive shows up as "D")
Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management, Disk Management, then right-click the partition whose name you want to change (click in the white area just below the word "Volume") and select "change drive letter and paths."
From here you can add, remove or change drive letters and paths to the partition.
When you download photos from your digital camera, they often have unrecognizable names. You can rename several similar files at once with the following procedure. This also works for renaming other types of files.
1.Open the My Pictures folder. (Click Start, and then click My Pictures.) Or open another folder containing files that you want to rename.
2.Select the files you want to rename. If the files you want are not adjacent in the file list, press and hold CTRL, and then click each item to select it.
3.On the File menu, click Rename.
4.Type the new name, and then press ENTER.
All of the files in the series will be named in sequence using the new name you type.
1.Right–click the executable or the program shortcut to the executable, and then click Properties.
2.Select the Run this program in compatibility mode check box.
3.From the list, select an operating system that the program runs in comfortably.
If necessary, also change the display settings and/or resolution, or disable the Windows XP visual themes.
Run the program again when you’re finished changing the settings. Adjust the compatibility settings again if the program is still not running smoothly: a program that’s unhappy on Windows 2000 may flourish on Windows 98.
If you’re running Windows XP Professional as a local user in a workgroup environment, you can create a password reset disk to log onto your computer when you forget your password. To create the disk:
1.Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click User Accounts.
2.Click your account name.
3.Under Related Tasks, click Prevent a forgotten password.
4.Follow the directions in the Forgotten Password Wizard to create a password reset disk.
5.Store the disk in a secure location, because anyone using it can access your local user account.
To disable unneeded startup services for a safer, faster XP, use the "Services" Admin Tool (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). If you are a single user of a non-networked machine, you can disable the following items, with no ill effect.
Computer Browser
Fast User Switching
Human Interface Access Devices
Indexing Service (Slows the hard drive down)
Net Logon (unnecessary unless networked on a Domain)
Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)
Remote Procedure Call Locator
Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)
Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security)
SSDP Discovery Service (this is for the utterly pointless "Universal P'n'P", & leaves TCP Port 5000 wide open)
Telnet (disabled for extra security)
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Upload Manager
Windows Time
Wireless Zero Configuration (for wireless networks)
A very important new feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to do a boot defragment. This basically means that all boot files are placed next to each other on the disk drive to allow for faster booting. By default this option is enabled but some upgrade users have reported that it isn't on their setup.
1. Start Regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction
3. Select Enable from the list on the right.
4. Right on it and select Modify.
5. Change the value to Y to enable and N to disable.
6. Reboot your computer.
Right click on any .exe file in Explorer, My Computer, Desktop and select 'Pin to Start Menu', the program is then displayed on the start menu, above the separator line. To remove it, click the file on the start menu and select 'Unpin from Start Menu'. Below you can check the before and after shots.
1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC
2) Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System.
3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you desire.
Go to start/run type 'cmd'
then type 'ipconfig'
Add the '/all' switch for more info
Then goto Start Menu > RUN, type CMD > Enter.
After that, type systeminfo then press Enter and you will be able to see a long list of your system information. Find Original Installed Date & many more......
1. Click Start / Run
2. Type regedit and press enter.
3. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder
4. Open the CLSID folder
5. Open the {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} folder
6. Open the ShellFolder folder
7. Change the Attributes data value from 40 01 00 20 to 50 01 00 20. Once completed change the CallForAttributes dword value to 0x00000000 (double-click and change value data to 0). You must change both of these values to get the rename to appear.
After performing the above steps you will be able to rename the icon like any other icon. Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and click Rename and rename it to whatever you wish.
If you don't use the Recycle Bin to store deleted files , you can get rid of its desktop icon all together.
Run Regedit and go to:
Click on the "Recycle Bin" string{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} in the right hand pane. Hit Del, click OK.
It's shockingly easy to create your own icons in Windows.
Let's do it: Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Paint. On the Image menu, click Attributes. Type 32 for both the Width and Height of the document, and make sure that Pixels is selected under Units. Click OK to create a new 32x32-pixel document: the size of an icon.
Then add type or color or do whatever you'd like to create your icon. I like to shrink photos (headshots work best) to 32x32 and simply paste them into my Paint document. When you're finished, open the File menu and click Save As. Use the dialog box to choose where you want to save your file, then give it a name followed by ".ico" (without the quotes), and click Save. (The extension ".ico" tells Windows that it's an icon file.) You just created an icon! Now you can change any shortcut or folder to your own icon—just browse to it on your hard drive.
AVG Antivirus Plus Firewall - antivirus software plus a firewall to protect your computer from external threats. AVG Antivirus Plus Firewall provides a comprehensive set of properties characteristic of high-quality comprehensive remedies, including the possibility of a permanent monitoring system, including checking e-mail, the optimization program to fit your needs and requirements, as well as the ability to update the database.AVG Anti-Virus is designed for the majority of known operating systems and platforms, update your virus definitions automatically and extremely quickly. Today, more than 20 million users worldwide trust the security of its information AVG Anti-Virus.
The main differences between the Pro version of the Free are:
• possibility reconfigure the user interface
• more flexible configuration of the antivirus on schedule
• the possibility of obtaining technical support
• availability of modules and Anti-Rootkit Web Shield!
Advantages of products AVG:
• The necessary level of protection
Specialists are always busy looking for new threats, so we can quickly develop new ways of protection.
• The necessary level of protection
AVG products protect more than 80 million PC users around the world.
• Easy to use security software
AVG products are easy when downloading, installation and use, have minimal impact on system performance.
• Technology, award-winning
AVG security system certified by all major independent certification companies, such as the ICSA, Virus Bulletin, Checkmark (Lab West Coast Labs).
The program includes:
• Antivirus protection against viruses, trojans, worms, etc.
• Firewall protection from hackers and attacks over the Internet.
• Key features of "AVG AntiVirus plus Firewall
• Easy to use. Works by the method of "set and forget".
• New versions and updates are free for the time period of the license.
• The quality of the program proved various major antivirus certificates (VB100, ICSA, West Coast Labs Checkmark).
• Free technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Improved virus detection based on unique heuristics and scanning data streams NTFS.
• Automatic firewall profile switching for improved security and usability.
We have shared quite a few good working free online SMS services and here is another new addition to the list, is a new free SMS gateway which is as simple as it can get - all you need to do is fill-in the details on the single page interface and you are all set to go.There is no information available at the site but it seems the service only supports messaging to Indian mobile numbers only, unlike KuripoTxt the service neither supports international messaging and also appends additional text to the message, however the service is still a good choice to send free messages in India fast without registering.
Visit >>
Run this on your own responsibility*/
Hackers and Browser Hijacking is one area of the Net that affects everyone at some stage.
In addition to having third party utilities such as SpyBot, Anti Virus scanners and firewalls installed there are some changes that can be made to Windows 2000/XP. Below are some details to make your system safer from hackers and hijackers.
Some of these tips require editing of the Registry so it is wise to either backup the registry and/or create a Restore Point.
1. Clearing the Page File at Shutdown
Windows 2000/XP paging file (Sometimes called the Swap File) can contain sensitive information such as plaintext passwords. Someone capable of accessing your system could scan that file and find its information. You can force windows to clear out this file.
In the registry navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management and add or edit the DWORD ClearPageFileAtShutdown. Set it to 1.
Note that when you do this, the system will take much longer to shut down: a system with a really big Page File (! Gig or more) may take a minute or two longer.
2. Disable the POSIX and OS/2 Subsystem.
Windows 2000 and XP come with little-documented subsystems it at allow compatibility with UNIX and OS/2 systems These rues systems are enabled by default but so rarely used that they are best off bring disabled completely to prevent possible service hijackings.
To disable these subsystems, open the registry and navigate to HKEY LOCAL MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerSubSystems. Delete the subkeys Os2 and Posix.
3. Never leave default passwords blank.
On installation, Windows 2000 sets up an Administrator account with total system access and prompts for a password. Guess what: by default, it allows that password to be blank. If a user doesn't want to type a password, he can simply click Next and the system will be an open door for anyone who wants to log on. Always opt for a password of some kind when setting up the default account on a machine.
4. Disable the Guest account
Windows XP comes with a Guest account that's used for limited access, but it's still possible to do some damage with it. Disable it completely if you are not using it. Under Control Panel, select User Accounts, click on Guest Account and then select Turn Off the Guest Account.
5. Install Windows In a different directory.
Windows usually installs itself in the WINDOWS directory. Windows NT 4 0 and 2000 Will opt for WINNT. Many worms and other rogue programs assume this to be the case and attempt to exploit those folders files. To defeat this install Windows to another directory when you're setting it up - you can specify the name of the directory during setup. WINDIR is okay; so some people use WNDWS - A few (not that many) programs may not install properly if you install Windows to another folder but t hey are very few and they are far between
6. Fake out hackers with a dummy Administrator account
Since the default account in Windows 2000 is always named Administrator, an enterprising hacker can try to break into your system by attempting to guess the password on that account. It you never bothered to put a password on that account, say your prayers.
Rather than be a sucker to a hacker, put a password on the Administrator account it you haven't done so already. Then change the name of the Administrator account. You'll still be able to use the account under its new name, since Windows identifies user accounts by a back-end ID number rather than the name. Finally, create a new account named Administrator and disable it. This should frustrate any would -be break-ins.
You can add new accounts and change the names of existing accounts in Windows 2000 through the Local Users and Groups snap in. Right-click on My Computer, select Manager, open the Local Users and Groups subtree, look in the Users folder and right-click on any name to rename it. To add a new user, right-click on the containing folder and select New User. Finally, to disable an account, double-click it, check the Account is disabled box and click OK.
Don't ever delete the original Administrator account. Some programs refuse to install without it and you might have to log in under that account at some point to setup such software. The original Administrator account is configured with a security ID that must continue to be present in the system.
7. Set the Hosts file to read-only to prevent name hijacking.
This one's from (and to a degree, for) the experts. The HOSTS file is a text file that all flavors of Windows use to hold certain network addresses that never change. When a network name and address is placed in HOSTS, the computer uses the address listed there for that network name rather than performing a lookup (which can take time). Experts edit this file to place their most commonly-visited sites into it, speeding things up considerably.
Unfortunately hijackers and hackers also love to put their own information into it - redirecting people from their favorite sites to places they don't want to go. One of the most common entries in HOSTS is local host which is set 1770.0.1. This refers to the local machine and if this entry is damaged the computer can behave very unpredictably.
To prevent HOSTS from being hijacked, set it to read-only. Go to the folder %Systemroot%system32driversetc, right-click on HOSTS, select Properties check the Read-Only box and click OK. If you want to add your own entries to HOSTS, you can unprotect it before doing so, but always remember to set it to read-only after you're done.
8. Turn off unneeded Services
Windows 2000 and XP both come with many background services that don't need to he running most of the time: Alerter, Messenger, Server (If you're running a standalone machine with no file or printer shares), NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing, Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (the last two if you're not using Remote Desktop or NetMeeting), Remote Registry, Routing and Remote Access (if you're not using Remote Access), SSDP Discovery Service, Telnet, and Universal Plug and Play Device Host.
A good resource and instruction on which of these services can be disabled go to /
9. Disallow changes to IE settings through IE
This is another anti hijacker tip. IE can be set so that any changes to its settings must be performed through the Internet icon in the Control Panel, rather than through IE's own interface. Some particularly unscrupulous programs or sites try to tamper with setting by accessing the Tools, Options menu in IE. You can disable this and still make changes to IE's settings through the Control Panel.
Open the Registry and browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions. Create or edit a new DWORD value named NoBrowserUptions and set it to 1 (this is a per-user setting). Some third-party programs such as Spybot Search And Destroy allow you to toggle this setting.
You can also keep IE from having other programs rename its default startup page, another particularly annoying form of hijacking. Browse to HKEY.CURRENT USERSoftwarePolicies MicrosoftInternet ExploreControl Panel and add or edit a DWORD, Homepage and set it to 1.
10. Disable simple File Shares.
In Windows XP Professional, the Simple File Sharing mode is easily exploited, since it抯 a little too easy to share out a file across your LAN (or the NET at large). To turn it off, go m My Computer, click Tools, Folder Option and the View tab, and uncheck Use Simple file sharing (Recommended). Click OK. When you do this you can access the Security tab in the Properties window for all folders; set permissions for folders; and take ownership of objects (but not in XP Home)
I’ve read a number of articles on the internet about changing the text on the Start button in XP. On more than one occasion I’ve seen references to a five (5) letter limitation when the button is renamed. I always wondered if this was true or just an assumption someone made because the default ‘start’ just happened to fit the button size. So, I decided to run a test and see if there really was a five character limit.
First of all just u need to do is download Resource hacker.
Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems.
ll its just 541Kb in the size.. Click here to go to the Download Page
Download Resource Hacker
First Step The first step is to make a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer. Place it in a folder somewhere on your hard drive where it will be safe. Start Resource Hacker and open explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer.exe
The category we are going to be using is String Table In Resource Hacker. Expand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate down to and expand string 37 followed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP Layout, use number 38. The right hand pane will display the stringtable as shown in Fig. 02. We’re going to modify item 578, currently showing the word “start” just as it displays on the current Start button.
There is no magic here. Just double click on the word “start” so that it’s highlighted, making sure the quotation marks are not part of the highlight. They need to remain in place, surrounding the new text that you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry
Second Step – Modify the Registry Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file will be recognized when the user logs on to the system. If you don’t know how to access the registry I’m not sure this article is for you, but just in case it’s a temporary memory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else) Run and type regedit in the Open: field. Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon
the Right pane (Fig. 05), double click the Shell entry to open the Edit String dialog box as shown in Fig. 06. In Value data: line, enter the name that was used to save the modified explorer.exe file. Click OK.
Close Registry Editor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if that’s your preference. If all went as planned you should see your new Start button with the revised text.
As we all know that none of the video sharing sites provide a link to download their videos. So we will have to do some tweaking and play around to download the videos. Here are some ways to download any video from the internet , they are based on the common hack (Right-click -> "Save Target As" OR copy the link into your download manager, but change the file extension to .flv)
Method 1: For Firefox Users - Install the VideoDownloader Extension from Mozilla Add-ons website - It downloads all embedded objects on a webpage including the video clips. This is very easy for beginners.
Method 2: One of the easiest ways is to copy your video URL and paste it on KeepVid Lite. When you click submit, you will be provided with a link to save the video as an FLV file.
Using these tricks you can easily download videos from Youtube or Google Videos or Metacafe.
Now some more questions that arise are:
How do I play FLV files on my computer - They dont open with windows media player or winamp or itunes or real player ?
You can download free FLV players to watch FLV files locally. A good FLV player has a simple and easy-to-remember name - FLV Player. Another nice alternative is the Riva FLV player. Try them out.
How do I split a large FLV file into smaller playable video clips?
This is the most common question among video enthusiasts - they want to split a large FLV video file into smaller chunks for editing or resharing only the interesting tidbits on the internet. To break an FLV file, get the free FLV Parser - a tiny command-line tool to split FLVs into pieces. Its intended use is to convert a large FLV into a series of shorter FLVs based on a series of millisecond-based timecodes. Using the -s switch will split the audio and video of the outputted files; the audio track will be extracted as a series of MP3 files, and the short FLVs produced will have no audio track at all.
How to convert FLV videos to Windows AVI or Quicktime MOV or 3GP formats ?
The free Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer software from Super can convert FLV files to practically any other video format including MP4, MOV H.264, AVI, ASF or Flash SWF animations. Super video convertor.
How do I convert my AVI, MPEG, MOV, 3GP movie clips back to FLV format ?
Say you complete editing your movie in Windows Movie Maker or Avid and now left with an MOV file that you want to convert to FLV. Just get the free Riva FLV encoder and relax. The Riva encoder even lets you select parts of the video that you want to convert to FLV and crop the rest.
I have three small video clips that I download from Google Videos and now want to join them into one single video -How do I merge FLV files ?
There is no free software that lets you join FLV files other than the expensive Macromedia Flash Professional. However, here's a simple trick to join several flv video files - convert individual flv files to avi using Super [as mentioned above], then join the multiple Avi files into a single avi file using free VirtualDub and finally convert this avi back to FLV using Riva FLV encoder.Its done.
How do I watch Youtube Video on my iPod, PSP or Television ?
Again we'll make use of the Super Video Encoder mentioned above. Just convert the FLV file into a corresponding format (like Apple iPod or Sony PSP or MPG) and transfer it to your gadget
How often do you copy songs from a CD? Or some photos from a CD?
What do you do? You select the required files and do a CTRL –C. Open the destination folder and do a CTRL-V. Here is something you can benefit time from. Customize your SEND TO MENU.
This sounds simple and you can do it in less than sixty seconds.
You can create your own BASKET.
First you’ll need access to hidden files. So change your view settings to make all hidden files visible.
Tools -> folder options -> view (tab) and select the show hidden files and folders.
go to parent drive:/documents and settings/(user name)/send to
Open up my computer and locate your most used folders.
Create a shortcut of the most used folders in SEND TO FOLDER.You can do this in a number of ways.
Right click -> send to desktop(create shortcut) and move the shortcut from the desktop to the SEND TO FOLDER
Copy the most used folder and go to SEND TO FOLDER and right click -> paste shortcut.
Also remember to rename the shortcuts to send to videos or send to potos. We don’t need confusion when we use the same later.
5. DONE.