As counterfeit pendrives dont actually have the promised capacity to store data, after this you can atleast use the available capacity.
Step 1:
Download chipgenius, this program will automatically detect an inserted flash drive and read out the 4 digit VID code and 4 digit PID code.
Download Chipgenius
If you don’t have a software that can unzip the “rar” format, please get the software 7-zip from:
Download 7-Zip
Go to the iFlash website and search for a matching VID and PID, download the corresponding software from the site.
I Flash
Once you have repaired the drive using the steps and software above – you need to format the drive in your operating system. After operating system formatting you should once again test the capacity of the drive to ensure that you have truly succeeded. Use the tool H2testw 1.4 once more again. If you are able to write, read and verify without errors – you now have a flash drive you can store data on. It may be a lot smaller but the capacity will be real.
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