Guys today m goin to tell you about javascript hacking....
i hav not found this tutorial any where in internet. and i think to share it wid you. there are so many people that have hacked their own orkut profile by inserting a JS code into their web browser....
and get hacked..
so wanna know the secret behind his code..
so lets start..
you have found sum post or msg or scrap into your community or profile like..
FREE MOBILE RECHARGE RS 100 X_x ♦ FREE MOBILE RECHARGE TRICK ♦ Do you Know About Free Recharge Version of orkut! This version was introduced to all orkut users as a gift from Google services! ENJOY FREE RECHARGE RS 500 DAILY . GOTO: [ <- GO HERE TO RECHARGE YOUR MOBILE FREE [ <- GO HERE TO RECHARGE YOUR MOBILE FREE [ <- GO HERE TO RECHARGE YOUR MOBILE FREE [ <- GO HERE TO RECHARGE YOUR MOBILE FREE OR sn.im/recharge-rs-500 Copy n Paste link where www , orkut, com / Main *#Home is written i.e Orkut Home Page . Finally which works orkut Got Working Script !! NUMBER of Orkutians got recharge:378904886
when you get the above msg or scrap you think to try and get recharge....
and you go to that site
lets take a example of a page which i hav found and is active these days..
dont try this link on same browser where your orkut is active.
.when you enter amount in text box and generate code it will show up some javascript code like above image..
now paste it in notepad.
remove %22+%22 from the code after src="
you will find the url of a hacker's coding page which hack your account.
copy this URL and paste in new tab but dont open it with orkut in same browser
it will show off all coding of the Hackers page like this.now you think wat is the use of this code and wat can do with this page...
Guys you can find the Hacker's profile and hacker's communities..
so lets do it..
now search here word
cmm for hacker's owned communities and uid for hacker's profile..now the question is that how to recover this infection........
and answer is just change your password as soon as possible and change security questions..........
and finally you got the hackers profile link
ab sale ko galiya nikalo and also report abuse to orkut....
replies will be appreciated........
and plz dont try any javascript coding into your browser while operating orkut or any email id simultaneously........without knowing about that code. i have found there are so many people that hav infected by this JS code.. so i think to post it here..
javascript is a very powerfull language. and so many peoples use this language for hacking purpose...
so be care-full........
Warm Regards
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